Sunday 24 February 2008

Events in March and April '08

Sunday 16th March, 10am to 4pm.

We will be running a "plant swap" stall at the East Malling Community Day, held at The Malling School.

We will also be giving away free Sunflower seeds for a "grow the tallest Sunflower" competition.

Late April / early May

We hope to have a speaker from East Malling Research come and visit us to give a lecture. More details to follow.

Broadview Garden visit 24th Feb '08

A display of some of the Hellebores grown at Broadview.
The Gardening Club visited the wonderful National Hellebore Collection held at Broadview Garden, which is part of Hadlow College.

We were part of a tour of the gardens and our guide was the extremely knowledgeable Alex Rennie, shown on the right in the photo below.

We also saw some excellent examples of companion planting that really brought the most out of each group of Hellebores.

Hellebore border interspersed with Snowdrops.

One of the beautiful Hellebores.

Southover Garden visit 10th Feb '08

Snowdrops by the stream at Southover.

On Sunday 10th February, the Gardening Club visited the beautiful Snowdrop collection at Southover, in Hunton.

The garden is privately owned, but is opened to the public several times each year.

We were lucky to see many of the 170 different varieties of Snowdrop that have been planted by David Way, the owner of Southover.

Some Gardening Club members talking to one of the garden owners.